Many small shops use
distinctive colour to bring attention to themselves -  even if its use is only part of signs and posters. What colour would you choose for particular shops ?

So the first stage of analysing the task is just about complete - thinking about the
research collected and then analysing it will lead into the first
specification stage. This could be a list - or a series of features or points that need to be included in your final designs.  In the shop-front project this should not only consider how the frontage will look but should take account of how the customers / visitors will move into the built area, move around within it and then exit the site.  The best way to do this will be to create a plan of the floor area.   This can be built up into an attractive 3-D looking design by using the planometric or axonometric drawing convention.  The big advantage of this technique is that anything circular or with a complex shape is built up from the outline of the shape itself rather than needing to be put into perspective first.

After brainstorming some ideas for themes and creating a plan of the floor area you will be in a position to create some ideas of possible frontages.  Using the same music shop idea this small 2-point perspective sketch shows a massive guitar on top of the building.   The windows might even be 'music-note' shaped for added interest although you might need to think about the restricted view to customers that this would give.  Using  distinctive shapes, models and 3-D symbols is not new - it can be effective though.

This next stage is reminiscent of old-fashioned signs seen outside barber shops, apothecaries and public houses.  From a fair distance away the premises can be identified and remembered.  What associations have you found that professions have used in the past ?


A few areas can be found where on owner will start a trend and everyone else follows.  Camden town in North London, UK is one such area.  Check out these examples on the next page ...

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