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~ Design & Technology ~ 

Project Guide

You have several choices of wood-based material from which you could make your box. Obviously you could choose wood and should know the advantages and disadvantages linked with using
Softwoods and Hardwoods.  We have chosen to use softwood for the sides of the box and hopefully you could explain why that choice was made.  The base of the box and the top will both be much thinner and this means we should think carefully about the material to use for these. 

Why would a thin (3mm) piece of wood be a poor choice ?

We have decided to use plywood for the top and hardboard for the base.  Are there any advantages in using hardboard for the base and why did we eventually decide to use 3-ply for the lid?

KS3 - Box Skills

You have a choice of joints that could be used - are you able to explain why one might be more suitable than another and why have we chosen to use the lap-joint ?  Why have we chosen to use PVA glue rather than the pins shown in the diagram here ?

You have a choice of joints that could be used - are you able to explain why one might be more suitable than another and why have we chosen to use the lap-joint ?  Why have we chosen to use PVA glue rather than the pins shown in the diagram here ?

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