What is ‘Design & Technology’ ?
Design & Technology gives you an understanding of the way in which people design and make products that are useful and easy to use.  To do this it is necessary to understand the qualities that each material possesses and the ways in which it can be shaped. To design products that are good to look at it makes sense to research what has been done by other designers and what lessons might be learned from the mistakes of others.  
It should be possible to build on the successes of past designs too.  Only with an awareness of things around us can we be really good designers.
We must be able to communicate our ideas to others easily and clearly.  In all study options you should develop the ability to draw and develop designs using diagrams, plans and prototypes.
RESISTANT MATERIALS concentrates on using wood, metals and  plastics to make a variety of products.  It is important to understand how items are designed for manufacture and it is necessary to be able to create ideas and  build on skills necessary to make the items you design.  You should  develop the ability to draw and refine your designs using diagrams, plans and prototypes.  Two main exam pieces will be done during the course with one of them being  much more of a prototype than the second one but a number of tasks and minor problems will also be set during the early stages of the course.
ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS concentrates on using electronic circuits to create useful products and might use a number of processes and techniques that are common to several other areas of study - processes such as vacuum forming, injection moulding, etc - and might use metals and  plastics to make suitable cases and containers for the products.  It is important to understand how items are designed for manufacture and it is necessary to be able to create ideas and  build on skills necessary to make the items you design.  You should be able to develop the ability to draw and refine your designs using diagrams, plans and prototypes.  At least two or three main exam pieces ill be done during the course with one or two  of them being  much more of a prototype than the final one.  
GRAPHIC PRODUCTS uses modelling foam, plastics, paper, card & similar materials to produce graphic items used to package, promote or decorate products.  There is much more of a graphic design element to this option and it is similar to the sort of work done in small design groups and commercial product design studios.  It is important to understand how items are designed for manufacture and it is necessary to be able to create ideas and develop the skills necessary to make the items you design.  At least two or three pieces of coursework preparation will be done during the two years with one being refined and submitted - although the earlier components will also form a part of your exam practical component.
PRODUCT DESIGN uses modelling foam, plastics, paper, card & similar materials to  explore and refine the designs of products. It might also produce graphic items used to package, promote or decorate products to give a much greater insight into the full scope of the design process involved in the creation of modern manufactured items.  In this study option again it is important to understand how items are designed for manufacture and it is necessary to be able to create ideas and develop the skills necessary to make the items you design.  At least two or three pieces of coursework preparation will be done during the two years with one being refined and submitted - although the earlier components will also form a part of your exam practical component.
INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY ~ (An introduction to Engineering) uses only plastics, and metals to produce items that might be made using some engineering techniques and processes.   Understanding the materials, properties and processes has a little more emphasis than you might find in ‘ Resistant Materials’ as an option.   There is still an expectation that work will be well presented on A3 sheets and that research of topics will be undertaken as homework and self directed study.   The two year course includes several small tasks but the main examination piece required is introduced around Christmas-time of the  second year.
TEXTILES ~ uses a variety of compliant materials to produce items and products that might be marketed or used as a part of more complex interior designs.  Understanding the properties of textiles and the processes and techniques used in manufacture is important .  There can be a significant creative element involved in the design of graphics to use on items to be made and both the design and the product would be expected to be refined from clear and concise early  proposals.  You should also develop the ability to communicate your designs using diagrams, plans and prototypes.
FOOD ~ develops a thorough understanding of food products that might be marketed or included in the specific requirements of catering or dietary needs.  A significant part of this knowledge would be applicable to catering as a study choice.  There can be a creative element involved in the design of food products, and an understanding of the qualities and needs or markets should be developed and refined from clear and concise early  proposals.  You should also develop the ability to draw and develop your designs using diagrams, plans and prototypes.
ENGINEERING ( Double award )  ~ (A fuller introduction to Engineering) uses plastics, and metals and standard components to produce items that might be made using some engineering techniques and processes.   Understanding the risks associated with manufacture, the moral and ethical issues of engineering processes, the production planning and a knowledge of materials, properties and processes has more emphasis than you might find in ‘ Resistant Materials’ or ‘Industrial Technology’ as an option.   There is an expectation that planning and design work will be well presented on A3 and A4  sheets and that research of topics will be undertaken as homework and self directed study.   The two year course includes several small tasks but the main examination piece required is introduced around Christmas-time of the  second year. Needs or markets should be developed and refined from clear and concise early  proposals.  You should also develop the ability to draw and develop your designs using diagrams, plans and prototypes.
Any comments or contributions regarding this website
2 - Design & Technology on the Web - Resources and help for students and teachers in Design & Technology,  Product Design, Graphics, Graphic Products, Electronics, Electronic Products, Engineering, Industrial manufacturing, Resistant materials, Textiles, Food, Catering, Workshop skills and  lots of general KS3 material  - for students and teachers in Design & Technology. "Mr Richmond Help!" - DTOTW - Project, coursework and exam help - The best site for Design & Technology students and teachers.
10 - Resistant materials at GCSE level covers design and making in wood, metal and plastics and requires students to understand the requirements of marketing products as much as designing them for a specific need. The development of products often relies on a foundation of previous developments, materials, processes and products.
8 - Design Technology on the Web - Artists & Photographers -  Technology & Design influenced by art and innivation - Main Menu page - Resources and help for students and teachers in Design & Technology,  Product Design, Graphics, Graphic Products, Electronics, Electronic Products, Engineering, Industrial manufacturing, Resistant materials, Textiles, Food, Catering, Workshop skills and  lots of general KS3 material  - for students and teachers in Design & Technology. "Mr Richmond Help!"   The best site for guidance with project, coursework and exam revision helping students and teachers in Design & Technology - DTOTW
10 - Resistant materials at GCSE level covers design and making in wood, metal and plastics and requires students to understand the requirements of marketing products as much as designing them for a specific need. The development of products often relies on a foundation of previous developments, materials, processes and products.
8 - Design Technology on the Web - Artists & Photographers -  Technology & Design influenced by art and innivation - Main Menu page - Resources and help for students and teachers in Design & Technology,  Product Design, Graphics, Graphic Products, Electronics, Electronic Products, Engineering, Industrial manufacturing, Resistant materials, Textiles, Food, Catering, Workshop skills and  lots of general KS3 material  - for students and teachers in Design & Technology. "Mr Richmond Help!"   The best site for guidance with project, coursework and exam revision helping students and teachers in Design & Technology - DTOTW
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