The Food technology department in school helps you find out about food and how food is manufactured and marketed. In Years 7, 8 and 9 you will do several interesting projects in which you learn about food and in which you could design your own food products. How do manufacturers research the things that people like and how do they improve their products?
For your GCSE task work you should approach your project in the same way that a manufacturer might. You should consider just who might want to buy the end product and how easy it would be to make your proposed ideas.
All the GCSE options in Design and Technology will benefit from showing
good presentation skills. It is always important to develop the skills that allow for clear communication in the early years of studying Design & Technology. The use of colour, space and interesting text also has a significant place in the presentation of coursework and you should try to make all work look attractive ‘by the page’. Look at the Graphic Products section of these pages and also use the knowledge and skills you have already gained in other subjects such as Art.
For a reminder about print processes and colour theory check the page marked COLOUR

Before any new product is launched a great deal of RESEARCH goes into what it should look like, what it might contain, how much it might cost and who would buy it.
Good presentation is as important in food technology as any other subject-option. Throughout the course you will examine existing products to see how they have been made. You might undertake a questionnaire-survey of your friends. Finally you should consider how to package your product and cost it so that a considered decision might be made as to how suitable it would be to manufacture.
Why do we like snacks
and chocolate ?
What nutritional content does
‘fast food’ have?
How much sugar do sweets and soft
drinks contain ?
How are these products made ?
How do Golden Wonder, Smiths and
Walkers make sure that the snacks are always as they should be and as the designers intended?
Perhaps after your two year GCSE course you will think a lot more about things you previously only ate !